Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Bull Fight

August 7th, 2006 Lima, Peru

Travel to Sites

The bus ride was 14 hours to Piura City which is the departmental capital I will be frequently starting in September. The bus ride is really not that bad because the seats are like business class in an airplane and the ride is from 6:30 to 8:30 in the morning which allows for the greater portion to be spent sleeping.

August 6th, 2006 Santa Eulalia, Peru

Bull Fight

I attended my first standard Latin American bullfight this afternoon. For $3 my brother and I were able to watch 4 bulls be slaughtered by a group of about 7 bull fighters. The bulls started small and progressively increased in size as the show continued. The fighters would entice the bull with their red cloth and then stab them with a sword concealed by said cloth. Personally, I found it somewhat inhumane and barely entertaining. Therefore, it is more than likely my last bull fight as well.


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