Latin America Excursion
August 28th, 2008 Lima, Peru
Today starts the Latin America Excursion. My buddy Ryan and I will be traveling throughout South America and eventually north thru Central America all the way back to the States. This is something we have planned to do since training in 2006. We hope to take buses the entire way although we may be forced to take a boat or plane along the way.
Peace Corps gave us each approximately $800 cash in lieu of the plane ticket they would have bought to fly us home. We are hoping to maintain a budget of about $2,800 or less as we travel home. So, we are doing this on the cheap.
We are posting videos on Search "ryanenelson" to watch videos of our trip along the way.
I will also be maintaining a blog at:
I may not be posting as often as I did during Peace Corps but hope to write short summaries on each of the countries we visit as well as include any interesting anecdotes. I hope you join me vicariously.
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