Friday, November 10, 2006

difficulties with the restaurant funding

October 27th 2006 Piura, Peru

Restaurant News

I met with Consuelo today and she informed me that now the government will not be building the restaurant in town because it is something that should be done by the private sector. In all honesty, I agree with her. But this town could really use one. I think it would be a good investment. The problem is that anyone capable of running such a business with the entrepreneurial skills required does not live in my town.

Therefore, the government building it was great. The main reason I was sent to Encantada in particular was because I have 3 years of restaurant experience in both the drudgery positions and the administration aspect of the business side. Well, it turns out I may be perfect for this site for even more reasons now.

Many of you know that I flirted with a business or two in college and was an entrepreneurship major. My first real run at building a business plan and seeking investors from the city may come now, in a foreign language and in a different culture. A culture which also isn´t the friendliest business environment. This is going to take a lot of work, and may prove impossible but let´s be honest. What have I got better to do? I´ll keep you updated. Haven´t quite decided if I want to commit to Super Volunteer status yet.


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