Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Web Page Design

September 26th thru 28th, 2007 Lambayeque City, Peru

Business IST

I spent the past two days learning how to create web pages. That statement is quite different from this one: I spent the past two days being taught how to create a web page.

The Peru 7 business group all met in Lambayeque City in the department of Chiclayo to learn how to create web pages for our artisan associations. We each brought a counterpart from our village to learn alongside with us. Juan and I were pretty excited because our association is at the point where a webpage is actually necessary. Our excitement soon dissipated the second day of the conference. The first day Ivan gave a great presentation on e-commerce and how to apply the tools of the internet to grow your business.

The second day was the webpage designer´s turn to instruct us on how to build a simple webpage. He tried to teach by individually instructing each person what to do. After talking to Ivan, we were able to convince him to teach from the instructor computer with the aid of the projector. Unfortunately, he kept abandoning the instructor´s computer to work with people individually, thus leaving the other 35 individuals in the room to fend for themselves.

And fend for ourselves we did. Since we only had 4 more hours to learn this webpage stuff, a few of the other computer savvy volunteers and I abandoned our computers and huddled around one. Together we taught ourselves the basics and I believe we will each be able to explore from this base when we get back to site.

Right now our webpage is a joke. I hope to have the first basic version up and running by the 15th of December. You can find us at


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